We would like to send an IMMENSE THANK YOU to the following Businesses and Individuals who donated supplies – as this Benefit would not be possible without their help and support:
ASM Waypoint; Boardwalk Billy’s; Bully’s Pub & Grill; Casa Villa; Chipper’s Grill; Flynn’s Irish Tavern; Ford’s Fuel & Propane; Home Depot NMB; Hoskins Restaurant; Little River Inlet Saltwater Fishing Club; Liquid Munn-E; Mama Jean’s Restaurant; OD Arcade & Lounge; Platt’s Seafood Co.; The Sign Station; The Shack Restaurant/Chris Finneran; Wyndal Vereen
We would like to thank Daryl Graham and his Band One Bad Apple for donating their time and talent to provide Live Entertainment for the Benefit!
Another THANK YOU goes out to any Individuals or Businesses who purchased Plates, made Monetary Donations, Posted Flyers, or helped to “Spread the Word” about the Benefit! We raised $7,736 from our 7th Annual Fish Fry Benefit – which topped the 6th Year Benefit by about $500!!!
We would also like to Thank the Individuals who Donated their time the day of the Benefit to help Set Up, Prepare, Cook, Serve, Deliver Food, or Clean Up; this Benefit would not be a success without you!!